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National Aerospace Standards

About Aerospace Standard Parts

Sesco Industries is a long-time supplier and manufacturer of aerospace parts. And everything we sell meets the National Aerospace Standards (NAS). This allows you to purchase in confidence. The aerospace industry developed the National Aerospace Standards. To make sure these standards work, subject matter experts from AIA member companies participate in committees and working groups to develop and maintain the NAS library. This library of parts currently contains over 1400 active standards, which covers many different subject areas including:

  • NAS parts, like bolts, rivets, washers, screws, nut plates, pins, & knobs.
  • NAS fasteners.
  • Hazardous materials management.
  • Nondestructive Test Personnel certification.
  • Airport Operations.
  • Safety Management Systems.
  • Cutting tools, like drills, reamers, & end mills.
  • Foreign Object Debris (FOD) prevention.
  • Trade Compliance Standards (TCS)

National Aerospace Standards parts include precision fasteners, electrical connectors, splices and terminations, rod end bearings, and many other types of hardware and components. When you purchase NAS parts, you will be getting state-of-the-art, high strength parts. So you can buy NAS parts for military and aerospace applications in confidence when you turn to Sesco Industries.

National Aerospace Standards Importance

The National Aerospace Standards are important because they ensure safety. When you have NAS parts, you can perform your tasks with the confidence that everything will be alright. These parts meet all the requirements of high-strength applications. And the performance of these parts are up to superior performance.  These standards allow for peak performance of whenever they are used.

Contact Us Today

Sesco Industries sells military parts to many in the aerospace industry. For more information about the military parts we have for sale, please reach out to us today. We will happily answer any questions you may have about the military and aerospace parts we have for sale. All of the parts we sell are certified for safe and regulated use. Request a quote today for aerospace standard parts.

Request a Quote!

When you reach out, we can discuss what you want and provide you with a fair and accurate quote. So please, do not hesitate to reach out today for the best military spares on the market. We are proud to be a distributor that follows the National Aerospace Standards.